Dr. Danielle Moreau is a percussionist, educator, and arts entrepreneur based in Gainesville, Florida. She currently serves as adjunct faculty at the University of Florida and maintains a private studio throughout north-central Florida. Danielle is the co-founder of the Moreau | VanTuinen Duo and an active presenter, clinician, and performing artist throughout the United States and Europe. She proudly endorses Marimba One, Innovative Percussion, and Black Swamp Percussion.


Marimba One
Makers of the finest marimbas and vibraphones in the world. No other instrument offers the clarity, response, and flexibility needed to bring my musical ideas to life.
Innovative Percussion
Makers of marimba mallets, concert sticks, brushes, and beaters. No matter what sounds or effect I am looking for, IP has exactly the implement I need.
Black Swamp Percussion
Makers of professional tambourines, triangles, auxiliary instruments, and accessory equipment. The perfect option for any performance situation.
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